Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankful for Love

“To have faith requires courage, the ability to take a risk, the readiness even to accept pain and disappointment. Whoever insists on safety and security as primary conditions of life cannot have faith; whoever shuts himself off in a system of defense, where distance and possession are his means of security, makes himself a prisoner. To be loved, and to love, need courage, the courage to judge certain values as of ultimate concern – and to take the jump and to stake everything on these values.” 
 Erich FrommThe Art of Loving

With my week long vacation for the Thanksgiving holiday coming to a close, I am thinking about what I am most thankful for this year.  This has not exactly been the best year by most people's standards.  It started with the announcement of divorce on January  1st by my now ex-husband, having to sell our home we had just remodeled as a consequence of the divorce, moving into a rental house, becoming a single mother, being assigned a new location at work where I didn't know anyone, and then being reassigned a second time to a new location at work 8 months later.  To most people, this is not a year to be thankful for.  However, to me, it's been one of the best years of my life.  I didn't always feel that way.  It was rough for the first 6 months of this year. I had highs and lows and it changed almost daily for awhile, but even in the roughest of days, there was always something good that I could find….a silver lining.

So as I reflect, these are some of the things I am thankful for.  There are far more things that I could write here that I am thankful for but these are the ones that stand out the most for me at this moment.  

-  Selling our large 3500 sq. ft. home to move into a small 1500 sq. ft. home.  I LOVE my little rental house.  It sits at the end of a cul de sac right next to a beautiful walking trail with gorgeous large trees and a little creek.  It is quiet.  I have a large backyard (compared to what I was used to) with many mature, large trees, which accommodate a hammock wonderfully at the back end of the yard and I have spent countless hours enjoying that hammock.  What I love most about this house is that it is simple.  It is nothing fancy.  It's not in a fancy neighborhood.  It is in an older neighborhood with mostly older people in it.  I used to feel stress to keep up with others and their fancy houses and the fine furniture and things they had.  I no longer have that stress and it is so freeing.  I am so content now and I don't ever want to go back to the pretentious life I led before.  Simple is what I seek now….thanks to the divorce, which made me realize what is truly important to me.

- Being a single mom is hard sometimes but I have grown so much closer to my kids this year than I have ever been, especially my daughter.  My son and I had been close for a long time already but my daughter and I would fight a lot and just rubbed each other the wrong way most of the time.  Through the hardship of this year, we are closer than ever and I really don't even remember the last time we had a fight.  And the kids are closer to each other as well.  I can't tell you how thankful I am for this change with my kids.   It has truly been the best year with my kids that I've ever had…and they are teenagers!  Not many people get to brag on having great teen years with their kids, but I get to this year.  They are fabulous!

- My job changes were hard at first. It's never easy feeling new and not knowing anyone but in the end, instead of having friends from 2 school campuses, I ended up with friends from 6 campuses.  What a blessing to have so many friends.  I had so much support through my divorce from friends, I couldn't have asked for more.  God knew where I needed to be and I believe he sent just the right people my way to help me along when I needed it.  I'm going through another job struggle right now as well, but I've already begun to see the reasons why, I think.  Sometimes a struggle opens your eyes to what you need to see in order to know where you need to go.

-  And the last thing (for this post) that I am thankful for is perhaps my favorite of all.  I am thankful for the ability to love again.  And not only to love, but to love deeply and fully.  Years ago, there was a bump in my marriage that changed me.  I shut down.  Where I was once an outgoing, bubbly person, full of love for people…I started avoiding people and conversations.  I shut off all my emotions so I wouldn't feel pain and I avoided people for fear that they would ask me how I was and I wouldn't know what to say.  I didn't want to tell anyone about my marriage troubles.  I kept it all bottled inside.  My walls went up and I wouldn't let anyone in.  This went on for years.  I began to want to take the walls down but by then, I didn't know how.  My stone cold existence had become my way of life and I didn't know how to get back to who I used to be or how to feel things again.  I started to socialize again with people and have conversations and make some friends.  That was a start but I still felt cold and callused.  I felt no pain, but I felt nothing else either.  I was empty.  When the divorce was announced, I was in shock at first and it didn't seem real so I lived in denial for a few days.  But when the papers came to my email and I knew it was really happening, the floodgates opened and all the emotions I had bottled up for years came pouring out.  Sadness, anger, love….all of these and more and I recognized it right away….I could "feel" again.  Something I hadn't been able to do in a long time.  And although the predominate feelings at that time were sadness and anger, I was feeling joy that I felt something.  I determined right then that I would not ever shut down again and that no matter how hard the divorce became, I would make a point to feel every emotion that came and not back away from it in an effort to "protect" myself.  I wanted to feel pain just as much as I wanted to feel love for as long as I felt pain, I knew I could still feel something.  And that's just what I did.  I cried my eyes out at times and I also loved like never before at times.  I was angry often but I never acted out in my anger toward anyone.  I wrote letters that were never sent and other methods of releasing my anger that would not hurt another person or cause me to have regrets at a later time.  I have no regrets on how I handled my divorce and I am extremely grateful for being able to "feel" things all the way through and never shut down or put walls up.  I reached out to people for help and support, which was something I never did in the past and I am so glad I did.  In so doing, I am now closer to my parents than ever, have several very close friends and have learned just how valuable people are.  Allowing other people to help me and accepting their love and support opened up a whole new world to me.  I never realized how freeing it was to let others help and let people in to see my vulnerabilities.  Sure, I could've handled it on my own, but it would've taken a lot longer than it did by allowing others in to help.  I opened myself up to be loved by my friends and family.  Like the quote above states…it takes courage to do that.  I am so thankful I did.  And not only that, but I also allowed myself to love again.  First, I loved my kids more deeply than before, my parents, my friends…and then I also loved a new man….still do.  He is not able or does not want to receive my love right now and perhaps never will but I do not regret loving him.  It was worth the risk to choose to love and if I had to do it all over again, I would.  I love being able to love regardless of whether the love is returned whether it be my children, my parents, my friends or a boyfriend.  For that, I am thankful.

“Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.”  
- Erich Fromm

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Friedrich Wilderness Area Hike, San Antonio, TX

Scenic View

A couple of weeks ago I went down to San Antonio, TX for my son, Austin's, high school marching band competition that was being held at the Alamadome.  Although that was my main reason for being there, I decided to add a hike to the trip before coming home on Sunday.

It was a beautiful day that day around 78 degrees and I found a really great place to do a little hike.  It was a place called Friedrich Wilderness Area and it was actually right off the highway.  It was described as being a natural area with rugged trails and nice views.  After hiking in the White Mountains, I kind of laughed at anything in Texas being called a hike but this was the best I could do so I was going to make the most of it.  I wore my hiking pants and my Merrell hiking shoes and I packed a backpack and wore that too even though I didn't think I would really need anything in it.  But it was good practice to carry it anyway to keep in shape for the day when I would return to the White Mountains or some other mountain that I might want to climb.
The paved trail.

Upon arriving at the trailhead, the first thing I noticed was the trail was a blacktop paved trail.  What?!  I thought this was a wilderness area with rugged trails?  I was immediately disappointed but thought, "oh well, I'm here. I might as well take a walk."  So I continued on this paved trail with all my hiking gear on, thinking I should have worn flip flops instead.

I pressed on...wiping my brow of the sweat from the ruggedness of this hike.  It was almost too much to bear but I endured.  Thankfully I had my backpack with a couple of water bottles in it to help me and there was even a bench so I could sit and rest and take a drink.  What a life saver! (insert sarcasm)

As I laughed in my head and made mockery of this paved trail, I soon discovered that the paved part did not continue for very long at all and it became a dirt path with a bit of gravel mixed in.  Still, it was a smooth trail and I was only slightly more happy with it but I began to look around and found the trees to be interesting and decided perhaps this would be a nice little walk in the woods.  I still didn't know what they meant by "rugged" when they described these trails online but I was warming up to the place as at least being kind of pretty.  I had to realize that I wasn't going to find the beauty of the White Mountains in Texas so I needed to appreciate the beauty that was there for what it was.
Pretty canopy of trees

Neat looking trees

I walked some more and then lo and behold.....there it was!  Rugged trails!  I was delighted.  And not just a little rugged.  Lots of rocks and roots and steep inclines....just like the White Mountains. I....LOVED....IT!  I leapt and climbed up one rock and then another, grabbed trees to pull myself up in other places.  Now this was more like it!  The only thing missing was a little dog named Atticus to lead the way and his best friend, Tom.  Otherwise, for that moment, it was just like my hike on South Moat Mountain.  Surprisingly, the steep incline lasted long enough for me to start getting short of breath.  I was really exerting myself.  This was a real hike!  It felt great.
Part of the rugged trail - rocks!

Ledge rocks!

At one point I came to a larger boulder that had stopped another couple in their tracks.  They were staring at it trying to decide how to climb up to continue the trail.  I went around them and found the logical place to step up and I heard the man tell his wife..."See...she did it.  Do it just like that." and then they both laughed, as did I, but only in my head.  I was having so much fun.

Larger rocks and loose rocks

Rocks and roots!

There were several scenic overlook areas along the way.  I was surprised how pretty Texas could be especially in this area that was just outside the city.  What a lovely place I had discovered.  The steep incline didn't last too terribly long...the hills in Texas only go so high, but after having my rugged trail to mimic the hike I longed for, I was thoroughly enjoying myself.  I completed the trail I set out to do and decided I wasn't done "playing" yet so I took a couple more trails before I was done.

Scenic overlook

Windmill found on one trail

Heart shaped cactus
I wanted to really notice everything around me and take it all in and appreciate it so I slowed down and just started looking around.  I took pictures of cacti, some in the shape of hearts, which made me think of someone I love.  Along the way, I started chasing butterflies.  I tried to take photos of a couple of them but could never get close enough before they would move again.  Then I noticed my own shadow on a stretch of the trail where the sun was shining through from behind me.  There was no one around at that point, so I got silly and put my arms in the air and played with my shadow and took pictures of that too.

Playing with my shadow

Alas, it was time to end the fun and head back to the car and ultimately head home.  I savored the last remaining steps on the dirt trail and smiled when I reached the paved trail portion once again.  Oh how it had fooled me in the beginning.  I had laughed and mocked this trail,  but the trail knew....she knew I would return at the end with that smile on my face and that feeling of fulfillment in my heart.

My old friend

A nice hike indeed.

A little remembrance of Atticus to take with me